Wednesday 7:13 AM We live in the age of the "camera in everyone’s pocket” and with more than 2.5 billion camera phones in use we are entering a new dynamic era around image creation and content according to Bob Lisbon from Luminate. This can be broken into three phases as we enter the age of visual culture and language. Phase One: Massive increase in photo creationTen percent of photos taken by humankind took place in the last 12 months. ... Read more » Views: 596 | Author: uCozIndia
Tuesday 7:57 PM Responsive design is a web design and development technique that creates a site or system that reacts to the size of a user’s screen. Responsive design will optimise a user’s browsing experience by creating a flexible and responsive web page, optimised for the device that is accessing it. There are following advantages of this: • Increasing your reach to tablet and mobile audiences Views: 624 | Author: uCozIndia
Tuesday 8:17 AM Do you really want top search engine rankings - Just add meta tags and your website will magically rise to the top, right? Wrong. Meta tags are one piece in a large algorithmic puzzle that major search engines look at when deciding which results are relevant to show users who have typed in a search query. While there is still some debate about which meta tags remain useful and important to search engines, meta tags definitely aren't a magic solution to gaining rankings in Google, Bing, Yahoo, or elsewhere – so let's kill that myth right at the outset. However, meta tags help tell search engines and users what your site is about, and when meta tags are implemented incorrectly ... Read more » Views: 473 | Author: uCozIndia
Thursday 6:51 AM Over the course of your life, you embraced a number of different hobbies: football, video games, cards, art and others. But no one of them have changed our lives or brought as much satisfaction as the act of expression or writing. In almost too many ways to count, it can truly change the way we live our lives. In fact, so much so, it becomes a hobby. People generally starts blogging as a personal tool to journal the changes that we were making as we began minimizing our possessions. But somewhere along the line, it became less about us writing the story and more about the story changing us ... Read more » Views: 447 | Author: uCozIndia
Sunday 9:05 PM It’s projected that U.S. shoppers will spend $252 billion dollars online by the end of 2013. Has your company taken the leap into becoming an online retailer? Everyday a consumer’s experience with the marketplace becomes more mobile, social and visual, which helps to improve the process for customers and complicate the process for business owners trying to keep up with latest developments in e-commerce as they grow their business. There are many features that should be incorporate in your e-commerce website, but it is important to focus your efforts in the beginning to ensure you can scale your business online to add more features in the future ... Read more » Views: 502 | Author: uCozIndia
Wednesday 7:31 AM Web designing is the process of creating website. It has several different aspects, including web content, webpage layout and graphic design. While the terms web design and web development are often used interchangeably but web design technically is a part/subset of Web Development. Web designing takes huge time and effort to make a website beautiful. Websites are created using a markup language called HTML. Web designers build webpages using HTML tags that define the content and metadata of each page ... Read more » Views: 434 | Author: uCozIndia